Sacem members vote in a new board of directors and reforms to the statutes of their organisation

The terms and conditions of membership and the declaration of works to Sacem have now been simplified - The contractual sharing of public performance rights (PPR) is now possible.

For the first time in Sacem’s history, Sacem members were able to elect their representatives online, and vote on a number proposed statutory and regulatory changes exclusively through the member’s area at

The General Assembly of the Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers (Sacem), held on Tuesday 19 June, elected its new Board of Directors for one year.

Members of the Board of Directors are elected by their peers - authors, composers, and music publishers - for three years (two years for author-directors). The members of Sacem are called each year to renew the mandates for a third of the Board of Directors for each category of the Board. While the chair is chosen by the new Board of Directors for a one-year term, which can be renewed.


©Lionel Pagès

From left to right :
1st row : Serge Perathoner, Thierry Communal, Frédéric Doll, Jean Fauque, Frédéric Zeitoun
2nd row : Rémy Grumbach, David Séchan, Christine Lidon, Wally Badarou, Patrick Lemaitre, Alain Chamfort, Marion Sarraut,
Nicolas Galibert, Richard Seff, Laurent Petitgirard, Jean-Marie Moreau, Arnold Turboust, Rodolphe Dardalhon, Jean-Marie Salhani et Caroline Molko


Newly elected representatives :

Chair: Jean-Marie Moreau, author
Vice-chair: Rémy Grumbach, author-director
Vice-chair: Caroline Molko, publisher
Vice-chair: Alain Chamfort, composer
Treasurer: Patrick Lemaitre, composer
 Deputy treasurer:Thierry Perrier, publisher
General secretary: Serge Perathoner, composer
Deputy general: David Sechan, publisher

Administrators: Wally Badarou, composer / Thierry Communal, publisher /
Rodolphe Dardalhon, publisher / Frédéric Doll, author / Jean Fauque, author /
Christine Lidon, author / Laurent Petitgirard, composer / Jean-Marie Salhani, publisher /
Marion Sarraut, author-director / Richard Seff, author /
Arnold Turboust, composer / Frédéric Zeitoun, author


During the Annual General Meeting the Company's activity report and financial statements for the financial year of 2017 were also approved.


This year, at an Extraordinary General Assembly, Sacem members had the opportunity to discuss and vote on proposed reforms to the organisational structure, and Sacem’s statutes and general regulations.

All proposed reforms have been accepted and adopted, demonstrating Sacem’s responsiveness to the will of its members.

  • The terms and conditions of membership, and the declaration of works to Sacem have been simplified

    A single work that has been released in concert or online will now be sufficient for the applicant author or composer to substantiate his or her application for membership, instead of five as is currently the case. For publishers, the number of works required has been reduced from 10 to four.
    Within a few months it will also be possible to complete an application for Sacem membership online.

  • The possibility of opting for a contractual sharing of the public performance rights (PPR) within the parts belonging to the authors and composers categories
    This solution enables Sacem to take into account the evolution of creation methods, and to facilitate the collaboration between members of different author rights societies who have different rules to Sacem. It also ensures greater transparency on rights-sharing rules. The rule of sharing third-party public performance rights between authors, composers, and publishers remains the cornerstone. However, as for authors and composers, they will now be able, if they wish, to reflect the sharing they have agreed on for mechanical reproduction rights.
    The option of the contractual sharing of PPR will be applicable to works declared to the repertoire from 1 January 2019.

For several years now, the changes to Sacem’s regulations have been numerous, delivering more services to its members, and adding greater simplicity and transparency to the procedures of Sacem’s management. These changes to the statutes allow Sacem to remain an innovative company, which respects its history and its principles, while also adapting its practices to the needs of today.

About Sacem

The Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers (Sacem) aims to represent and defend its members’ interests in view of promoting musical creation in all its forms (from contemporary music to jazz, rap, hip-hop, French chanson, film music, music for video, etc.) along with other repertoires (humor, poetry, dubbing-subtitling, etc.).

Its key mission is to collect royalties and distribute them to authors, composers and publishers whose works are disseminated or reproduced.

A private organization, Sacem is a non-profit entity managed by creators and music publishers elected to its Board of Directors. It has 164,840 members, including 20,012 creators from outside France (3,830 new members in 2017) and represents over 121 million works from the global repertoire.

In 2017, Sacem distributed royalties to 300,000 authors, composers and publishers worldwide for than 2.4 million works, including mandates and partnerships.