Sacem elects new Board of Directors

Sacem is pleased to announce the composition of its new Board of Directors for the years 2024-2025.

The Board of Directors represents and is elected by Sacem’s 224,000 members. The Board comprises 19 members and one deputy — 6 authors, 6 composers, 6 music publishers, as well as a writer-director and their deputy — who work to defend authors’ rights and ensure better remuneration for creative work.

Together, the Directors define Sacem's major strategic axes, which are implemented by the general management, taking into account changes in the music market, new technologies and regulatory and legislative developments.

In a constantly changing musical environment, marked in particular by the fresh challenges posed by digital technology and generative artificial intelligence, the Board members are the guarantors of respect for Sacem's fundamental values, its articles of association, and the interests of its members.

Sacem's new Board
The members of the Board of Directors are elected for three years (two years for authors-directors). Each year, Sacem members are called upon to renew the terms of office of the directors, by third and by college.

The Chair is elected by the new Board of Directors for a one-year, renewable term.

ewly elected members are designated with an asterisk*

Chair: Patrick Sigwalt, composer
Vice-chair: Richard Seff, author
Vice-chair: Arnold Turboust, composer
Vice-chair: Cécile Bernier, publisher
Treasurer: Vanessa Bertran, author
Deputy Treasurer: Bruno Lion, publisher
Secretary General: Juliette Metz, publisher
Deputy Secretary: Dominique Dalcan, composer*

Board members

Elisabeth Anaïs, author
Vincent Baguian, author
Jean-Christophe Bourgeois, publisher*
Jean-Yves d’Angelo, composer
Rodolphe Dardalhon, publisher
Anne Dorr, author-director
Princess Erika, author*
Brice Homs, author*
Manu Katché, composer*
Don Kent, author-director*
Marc Lumbroso, publisher*
Michael Tordjman, composer